MELIA WATRAS: Vetur öngum lánar lið
for voice (2016)
Photo courtesy of Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir
Duration: 1:58
Program Notes:
Vetur öngum lánar lið (Winter aids no one) was written for the amazing Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir (who is a cellist, but here takes on the role of singer!). This work springs from my friendship with Sæunn, and her generosity in sharing her feelings about Iceland, her homeland.
When I started collecting and formulating ideas for the piece, I asked Sæunn if she had any poets or wordsmiths in her family or circle of friends; I was interested in having her not only play the cello, but to sing in her native language while she played. She told me her great-grandfather, Bjarni Jónsson, was a poet, and I asked her if she could pick out a poem or two of his. She sent me Vetur öngum lánar lið and Ævidansinn (The Dance of a Lifetime), with English translations by her cousin, Berglaug Ásmundardóttir. Jónsson’s words became the text for my song. The poems, in Icelandic and English, are below.
—Melia Watras
Vetur öngum lánar lið is part of the cycle, Firefly Songs. It can be performed independently, in different combinations with the other works, or as part of the complete set.
Poems by Bjarni Jónsson, written in New York in 1931
Translated by Berglaug Ásmundardóttir
Winter aids no one
Winter aids no one
Lays narrow tracks,
The spirit is accustomed to coming to life,
To the plover’s song in spring.
The Dance of a Lifetime
Through the ranks of the ages,
The world’s experiences are unchanging.
Either doleful or jovial,
Humanity dances on the paths of death.
The Almighty conducts the band.
© 2016 by Berglaug Ásmundardóttir
Vetur öngum lánar lið
Vetur öngum lánar lið
leggur þröngu sporin,
Andinn löngum lifnar við
lóusöng á vorin.
Allt í gegnum aldaraðir,
ekki breytast heimsins kynni,
ýmist hryggir eða glaðir
dansa menn um dauðans traðir,
Drottinn stjórnar hljómsveitinni.
© used with the generous permission of Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir’s family
Melia Watras: Vetur öngum lánar lið for voice (2016)
Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir, voice